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Appendix: ZMK

Glove80 is designed to work with the open-source ZMK firmware. The ZMK community ( maintains the incredible ZMK firmware.

For more details on the ZMK features, configuration and build procedures, please refer to the ZMK documentation at The ZMK community has a Discord server at

The Glove80 fork of ZMK is maintained at

Creating a ZMK config repo and building ZMK firmware the “traditional way”

The traditional way of building a ZMK firmware is by creating a Github repository for the ZMK configuration of your keyboard and then using a Github action to build the ZMK firmware. This is documented in If you use MoErgo’s Glove80 Layout Editor you don’t need to create a Github repository; please see Glove80 Layout Editor for details.

However if you prefer not to use Glove80 Layout Editor, you can build your Glove80 firmware in the traditional way. We have created a template Glove80 ZMK Configuration, which is at Please follow the instructions in

This approach is particularly useful if you decide to customize your ZMK firmware.